The rationale for forming CEPOLE is founded on the indisputable need for the School of Public Administration and Management and Mzumbe University in general to engineer and spear-head practically based continuous knowledge, skills development and growth of its internal and external clients through economic and social policy changes. The Centre therefore coordinates consultancy, researches and outreach services more efficiently and effectively.

CEPOLE is headed by a Head of the Centre who is a competent academic member of staff with proven experience and good track record in coordinating and managing outreach services, researches, consultancies and short courses. The Head of the Centre is appointed by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics (DVCA) after receiving the proposal from the Dean of School of Public Administration and Management (SOPAM). The Head of the Centre is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Centre and is responsible for providing leadership as well as pursuing the implementation of CEPOLE activities within the context of MU Corporate Strategic Plan. The Head of the Centre reports to the Dean of School of Public Administration and Management. CEPOLE is made up of two Units each of which works towards CEPOLE’s common objectives. The first unit deals with coordination of Policy, Leadership and Outreach Linkages Programmes and activities while the second unit coordinates all activities related to Research, Publication and Promotion of the School and University in general. The Units are headed by competent Coordinators who are appointed from among the members of academic staff in SOPAM. The Units prepares annual plans related to outreach, consultancy and research activities and coordinate and organize the implementation of the same within an academic year. The Coordinators directly report to the Head of the Centre for Policy and Leadership.

The Centre draws expertise from all Schools, Faculties and Directorates where the members of academic staff reside in Mzumbe University through deployment of high quality and multi-skilled teams to accomplish the outreach, research and consultancy assignments secured from different clients including the communities in different parts of the country.


For more infomation contact
The Dean,
School of Public Administration and Management,
P.O.Box 1,
Mzumbe, Morogoro.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,